Volume 453 - The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2023) - Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
Form factors for the charm-baryon semileptonic decay $\Xi_c\to \Xi \ell \nu$ from domain-wall lattice QCD
C. Farrell* and S. Meinel
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Pre-published on: December 27, 2023
Published on: November 06, 2024
Recent experimental progress measuring the branching fractions of the heavy-baryon semileptonic decays $\Xi_c\to \Xi \ell \nu$ has stimulated theoretical interest and motivates precise lattice calculations of the form factors. Here we present such a calculation using domain-wall fermions for the up, down, and strange quarks, and an anisotropic clover action for the charm quark. We use four ensembles generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations, with lattice spacings between 0.111 and 0.073 fm and pion masses ranging from 420 to 230 MeV. Our preliminary results for the form factors are larger in magnitude than previous lattice results.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.453.0210
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