Simulating Field Theories with Quantum Computers
M. Asaduzzaman*, S. Catterall, Y. Meurice and G.C. Toga
Pre-published on:
May 04, 2024
Published on:
November 06, 2024
In this study, we investigate Trotter evolution in the Gross-Neveu and hyperbolic Ising models in two spacetime dimensions, using quantum computers. We identify different sources of errors prevalent in various quantum processing units and discuss challenges to scale up the size of the computation. We present benchmark results obtained on a variety of platforms and employ a range of error mitigation techniques to address coherent and incoherent noise. By comparing these mitigated outcomes with exact diagonalization results and density matrix renormalization group calculations, we assess the effectiveness of our approaches. Moreover, we demonstrate the implementation of an out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) protocol using IBM's quantum computers.
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