Use of the HIFROST Dilution Refrigerator for the $T_{20}$ Experiment
M. Roberts*, B. Norum, D. Keller, R. Pywell, B. Sawatzky, H. Chen, D. Crabb, T. Krahulik, C. Howell and M. Ahmed
Published on:
July 30, 2024
I discussed the importance of the $T_{20}$ quantity, a tensor analyzing power, and the basic experimental setup for a measurement of $\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{d}$ ($\vec{\gamma}$, n)p, the deuteron photodisintegration. Multiple measurements have suggested the existence of a channel around 9 MeV above two nucleon masses. This diverges from calculations from current nuclear theory, and this experiment will focus on this new channel and yield information on the nature of any discrepancy. This experiment will immediately follow the experiment of the GDH measurement on the deuteron and use a lot of the same equipment. While the target will be polarized in the GDH experiment, the target will have the tensor component enhanced for the $T_{20}$ experiment. I will discuss the status of the experiment, as well as the current status of the dilution refrigerator, and the progress being made.
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