PoS - Proceedings of Science

25th International Symposium on Spin Physics

SPIN2023 - (other spin conferences)
24-29 September 2023
Durham, NC, USA
published July 30, 2024

The 25th iteration of the International Spin Symposium (SPIN 2023) was organized by Duke University and was held September 24-29 2023 at the Durham Convention Center. The Symposium is one of the pre-eminent venues bringing together theorists and experimentalists in the field of spin physics. It is held every two years, alternating between the U.S., Europe and Asia.

The conference series has been held jointly since 2000, combining the High Energy Spin Symposia and the Nuclear Polarization Conferences.
The most recent symposia were held in Charlotteville, VA (2008), Jülich, Germany (2010) Dubna, Russia (2012), Beijing, China (2014), Urbana Champaign, IL (2016), Ferrara, Italy (2018) and Matsue, Japan (2021).

Editorial Board

Anselm Vossen  (Anselm.vossen@duke.edu)
Thomas Mehen. (mehen@duke.edu)
Marston Copeland (Paul.copeland@duke.edu) 
Reed Hodges  (reed.hodges@duke.edu)
Gregory Matousek (Gregory.matousek@duke.edu)
Matthew McEneaney (Matthew.Mceneaney@duke.edu)
Katherine Parham (katherine.parham@duke.edu)
Connor Pecar (Connor.pecar@duke.edu)
Simon Schneider (Simon.schneider@duke.edu)

All Duke University. 

conference main image
3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs
3D Structure of the Nucleon: TMDs
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Application of Nuclear Polarization Techniques to Other Fields
Fundamental Symmetries and Spin Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Future Facilities and Experiments
Joint GPD/Future
Joint GPD/Nuclear
Joint Helicity/Future
Joint Nuclear/Heavy Ion
Low Energy Spin Physics with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Probes
Nucleon Helicity Structure
Polarized Source and Targets
Spin in Heavy Ion Collisions
Spin physics in Nuclear Reactions and Nuclei
3D Structure of the Nucleon: GPDs
Exclusive photoproduction of a photon-meson pair: A new class of observables to probe GPDs
PoS(SPIN2023)007 pdf S. Nabeebaccus, G. Duplancic, K. Passek-K, B. Pire, J. Schoenleber, L. Szymanowski and S. Wallon
Exclusive photoproduction of open heavy flavor meson pairs
PoS(SPIN2023)009 pdf M. Siddikov
Electromagnetic and gravitational form factors of the nucleon
PoS(SPIN2023)010 pdf C. Lorcé
Probing parton distributions in ep/eA and ultra-peripheral collisions
PoS(SPIN2023)014 pdf S. Klein
Backward Angle (𝒖-Channel) Exclusive and Semi-Inclusive DIS Processes at JLab 12 GeV and Future EIC
PoS(SPIN2023)015 pdf W. Li
Meson and Baryon spin dependent GPDs via Quantum Computers
PoS(SPIN2023)018 pdf C. Gustin and G.R. Goldstein
The Correlated Spatial Structure of the Proton: Two-body densities as a framework for dynamical imaging
PoS(SPIN2023)021 pdf Z. Panjsheeri, J. Bautista and S. Liuti
Lattice QCD calculation of the pion generalized parton distribution
PoS(SPIN2023)024 pdf Q. Shi, H.T. Ding, X. Gao, S. Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, S. Syritsyn and Y. Zhao
3D Structure of the Nucleon: TMDs
Nucleon Energy-Energy Correlator in Lepton-Nucleon Collisions
PoS(SPIN2023)027 pdf H. Cao
Measurement of transverse polarization of $\Lambda/\overline{\Lambda}$ within jet in 𝒑 𝒑 collisions at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)031 pdf T. Gao and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry for Inclusive and Diffractive Electromagnetic Jets at Forward Rapidity in $p^{\uparrow}$+ $p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 200 GeV and 510 GeV at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)032 pdf attachments X. Liang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
TMD program at JLab
PoS(SPIN2023)034 pdf H. Avakian
Lattice calculation of TMD physics
PoS(SPIN2023)035 pdf Y. Zhao
Fixed Target Program at the LHC
PoS(SPIN2023)036 pdf P. Di Nezza, V. Carassiti, G. Ciullo, R. Engels, P. Lenisa, L.L. Pappalardo, M. Santimaria, E. Steffens and G. Tagliente
Measuring Transversity in Di-Hadron Correlations with the ePIC Detector
PoS(SPIN2023)042 pdf S. Reiman and G. Matousek
Improving Λ Signal Extraction with Domain Adaptation via Normalizing Flows
PoS(SPIN2023)043 pdf R. Kelleher, M. McEneaney and A. Vossen
Measurement of $\Lambda^0$-hyperon spin-spin correlations in $p+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ and $510\,\textrm{GeV}$ by the STAR experiment
PoS(SPIN2023)046 pdf J. Vanek and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Proton 3D reconstruction with T-odd TMD gluon densities
PoS(SPIN2023)049 pdf A. Bacchetta, F.G. Celiberto and M. Radici
Interpolating the ‘t Hooft model between Instant and Light-Front dynamics in the Coulomb Gauge
PoS(SPIN2023)051 pdf H. Duggin, C.R. Ji and B. Ma
Measurements of Transverse Spin Dependent 𝝅+𝝅− Azimuthal Correlation Asymmetry and Unpolarized2 𝝅+𝝅− Cross-Section in 𝒑 𝒑 Collisions at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)052 pdf B. Pokhrel and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
TMD phenomenology with the HSO approach
PoS(SPIN2023)054 pdf T. Rainaldi, M. Boglione", J.O. Gonzalez-Hernandez" and T.C. Rogers"
Hyperon polarization in SIDIS: Matching between TMD and twist-3 factorizations
PoS(SPIN2023)055 pdf R. Ikarashi, Y. Koike and Y. Shinsuke
Simulation of $e^+e^-$ annihilation with quark spin effects
PoS(SPIN2023)056 pdf A. Kerbizi, L. Lonnblad and A. Martin
Azimuthal transverse single-spin asymmetries of inclusive jets and hadrons within jets from polarized ${pp}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 510 GeV
PoS(SPIN2023)059 pdf Y. Zhang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Transverse Spin Dependent Azimuthal Correlations of Charged Pion Pairs in $p^{\uparrow}p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 510$ GeV at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)063 pdf N. Ghimire
New measurements of transverse spin asymmetries at COMPASS
PoS(SPIN2023)065 pdf A. Martin and  on behalf of the COMPASS Collaboration
Current status of the neutral pion multiplicity studies at CLAS12.
PoS(SPIN2023)068 pdf M. Scott and  on behalf of the CLAS12 collaboration
Longitudinal spin transfer of semi-inclusive $\Lambda$ production in deep inelastic scattering
PoS(SPIN2023)069 pdf X. Zhao, Z.t. Liang, T. Liu and Y.j. Zhou
The Sivers asymmetry of vector meson production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
PoS(SPIN2023)070 pdf Y. Deng, T. Liu and Y.j. Zhou
Production of spin-3/2 hadrons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation and SIDIS
PoS(SPIN2023)072 pdf J. Zhao, Z. Zhang, Z.t. Liang, T. Liu and Y.j. Zhou
Measurement of the transverse single spin asymmetry for forward neutron production in a wide transverse momentum range
PoS(SPIN2023)073 pdf M. Kim and  on behalf of the RHICf collaboration
Quark orbital angular momentum in the proton from a twist-3 generalized parton distribution
PoS(SPIN2023)075 pdf M. Engelhardt, N. Hasan, S. Krieg, S. Liuti, S. Meinel, J. Negele, A. Pochinsky, M. Rodekamp and S. Syritsyn
Top quark polarization and gluon spin and transversity in the nucleon
PoS(SPIN2023)077 pdf G.R. Goldstein
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Predominantly Electric Storage Ring “E&m” for Nuclear Spin Physics
PoS(SPIN2023)084 pdf R. Talman
EIC's HSR Rotator and Snake Swap Study
PoS(SPIN2023)085 pdf V. Ranjbar
Willy Haeberli’s Early Research: Developing and Using Accelerated Spin-Polarized Beams
PoS(SPIN2023)086 pdf T.B. Clegg
Application of Spin Canceling Cell Design to Several Lattices
PoS(SPIN2023)087 pdf V. Ranjbar
Impact of Imperfection Spin Resonance Strength on Depolarization in RHIC
PoS(SPIN2023)090 pdf K. Ranjbar
The Polarized Hydrogen Gas Jet Target. From RHIC to EIC.
PoS(SPIN2023)091 pdf A. Poblaguev
Optimisation of Spin Coherence Time for Electric Dipole Moment measurements in a storage ring.
PoS(SPIN2023)092 pdf R. Shankar, A. Piccoli, P. Lenisa, A. Lehrach and  on behalf of the JEDI and CPEDM collaborations
Compton transmission polarimetry of laser-plasma accelerated electron beams
PoS(SPIN2023)093 pdf J. Popp, S. Bohlen, L. Helary, F. Stehr, J. List, G. Moortgat-Pick, J. Osterhoff and K. Põder
An Overview of Helions in the HSR and its Injectors
PoS(SPIN2023)095 pdf K. Hock, H. Huang,, F. Meot, V. Ptitsyn, V. Ranjbar and V. Schoefer
Application of Nuclear Polarization Techniques to Other Fields
A research program to measure the lifetime of spin polarized fuel
PoS(SPIN2023)107 pdf attachments W.W. Heidbrink, L.R. Baylor, M. Büscher, R.W. Engels, A.V. Garcia, A.G. Ghiozzi, G.W. Miller, A.M. Sandorfi and X. Wei
Fundamental Symmetries and Spin Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Statistical reach of Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiments to Neutron to Mirror-Neutron Oscillations
PoS(SPIN2023)112 pdf P. MohanMurthy and J. Winger
Mu2e: Probing the Frontiers of Physics Using Muons
PoS(SPIN2023)122 pdf E. Dukes and  On behalf of the Mu2e Collaboration
Future Facilities and Experiments
Physics with a Positron Beam at Jefferson Lab
PoS(SPIN2023)130 pdf A. Schmidt
GPU-based Online Reconstruction for J/ψ TSSA at SpinQuest experiment
PoS(SPIN2023)131 pdf E. Fuchey
Status of the Electron-Ion Collider
PoS(SPIN2023)135 pdf C. Montag
Parity Violation in DIS Region with SoLID at JLab 12 GeV
PoS(SPIN2023)137 pdf Y. Tian and  on behalf of the SoLID Collaboration
New Experimental Spin-Physics Opportunities for Meson Beams
PoS(SPIN2023)140 pdf W. Briscoe and I. Strakovsky
The MOLLER Experiment: An Ultra-Precise Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle Using Moller Scattering
PoS(SPIN2023)141 pdf Z.S. Demiroglu and  on behalf of the MOLLER Collaboration
Utilizing Machine Learning Pattern Recognition for Online Monitoring and Visualization in SpinQuest Experiment
PoS(SPIN2023)142 pdf J. Roberts and D. Keller
22 GeV CEBAF with Novel Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Design
PoS(SPIN2023)145 pdf A. Bogacz
Joint GPD/Future
Polarized internal target experiments based on EIC beams
PoS(SPIN2023)146 pdf B. Wojtsekhowski
Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at Jefferson Lab Hall A
PoS(SPIN2023)147 pdf M. Boer and D. Biswas
Can we measure Double DVCS at JLab and the EIC?
PoS(SPIN2023)148 pdf K. Deja, V. Martinez-Fernandez, B. Pire, P. Sznajder and J. Wagner
Future measurements of TCS at JLab Hall C
PoS(SPIN2023)150 pdf D. Biswas and M. Boer
Threshold charmonium photoproduction with GlueX
PoS(SPIN2023)152 pdf L. Pentchev and  on behalf of the GlueX collaboration
Joint GPD/Nuclear
Polarisation-dependent studies of exclusive $J/\psi$ production in hadron-hadron and lepton-hadron interactions
PoS(SPIN2023)155 pdf Y. Zhou
Joint Helicity/Future
Exploring Quark Helicity Distributions with a 22 GeV Beam at Jefferson Lab
PoS(SPIN2023)159 pdf C. Cotton, J. Smith and X. Zheng
Joint Nuclear/Heavy Ion
Studying high $p_T$ momentum azimuthal anisotropies in unpolarized proton-proton collisions using transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution and fragmentation functions
PoS(SPIN2023)164 pdf A. Majumder and I. Soudi
Measurements of Vector Meson Global Spin Alignment in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC
PoS(SPIN2023)165 pdf G. Wilks and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Low Energy Spin Physics with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Probes
Properties of the newly discovered exotic particles in Diquark model.
PoS(SPIN2023)166 pdf A. Bhattacharya, B. Chakrabarti., P. Dhara. and S. Pal
Gluonic Gravitational Form Factors of the Proton
PoS(SPIN2023)168 pdf Z.E. Meziani
Measurement of Neutron Recoil Polarization in Deuteron Photodisintegration
PoS(SPIN2023)172 pdf T. Krahulik, B. Norum, R. Pywell, T. Polischuk, H. Chen, M. Roberts and W. Tornow
The Generalized Polarizabilities of the proton
PoS(SPIN2023)173 pdf N. Sparveris
Use of the HIFROST Dilution Refrigerator for the $T_{20}$ Experiment
PoS(SPIN2023)174 pdf M. Roberts, B. Norum, D. Keller, R. Pywell, B. Sawatzky, H. Chen, D. Crabb, T. Krahulik, C. Howell and M. Ahmed
Nucleon Spin Sum Rules and Spin Polarizabilities at low $Q^2$
PoS(SPIN2023)175 pdf A. Deur
Systematic studies of beam-normal single spin asymmetries at MAMI
PoS(SPIN2023)177 pdf M. Thiel, A. Esser, M. Hoek, H. Merkel, U. Müller, S. Schlimme and C. Sfienti
Beam normal single-spin asymmetry in electron-proton scattering with intermediate state resonances
PoS(SPIN2023)179 pdf P. Blunden, J. Ahmed and W. Melnitchouk
Single spin asymmetries in electron-nucleon scattering at low and intermediate energies
PoS(SPIN2023)182 pdf J.L. Goity and C. Weiss
Nucleon Helicity Structure
Orbital Angular Momentum at Small 𝒙 Revisited
PoS(SPIN2023)183 pdf B. Manley
Analytic Solution for the Revised Helicity Evolution at Small $x$ and Large $N_c$: New Resummed Gluon-Gluon Polarized Anomalous Dimension and Intercept
PoS(SPIN2023)184 pdf J. Borden
Global Analyses of Polarized DIS & SIDIS from Small-$x$ Evolution
PoS(SPIN2023)185 pdf M. Sievert and N. Baldonado
Update on the nucleon quark distribution functions calculation with a confining NJL model adding pseudoscalar and vector diquarks
PoS(SPIN2023)186 pdf B. Ma and I. Cloet
Longitudinal double spin asymmetry of $\pi^{\pm}$-tagged jet, $\Lambda$, $\overline{\Lambda}$, and $K_S^0$ in polarized 𝒑 + 𝒑 collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)189 pdf Y. Yu and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Constraining the quark and gluon helicity at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)191 pdf T. Lin and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Measurement of Direct-Photon Cross Section and Double-Helicity Asymmetry at $\sqrt{s}$ = 510 GeV in $\vec{p}+\vec{p}$ Collisions at PHENIX
PoS(SPIN2023)192 pdf Z. Ji and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Measurement of the Neutron Spin Asymmetry in the Deep Valence Quark Region at Jefferson Lab 12 GeV
PoS(SPIN2023)199 pdf X. Zheng, M. Chen, C. Hedinger and  on behalf of the Jefferson Lab E12-06-110 Collaboration
Extraction of the strong coupling with HERA and EIC inclusive data
PoS(SPIN2023)201 pdf Z.S. Demiroglu, S. Cerci, A. Deshpande, P.R. Newman, B. Schmookler, D. Sunar Cerci and K. Wichmann
Polarized Source and Targets
Target Offline Polarization COMPASS 2022
PoS(SPIN2023)202 pdf G. Reicherz, N. Doshita, Y. Takanashi, T. Iwata and  on behalf of the COMPASS Polarized Target Group
Spinning Hall Probe magnetic compass
PoS(SPIN2023)203 pdf B. Wojtsekhowski
First test of a polarized $^3$He$^+$ ion source
PoS(SPIN2023)205 pdf N. Faatz, J. Wirtz, R. Engels, M. Büscher, O. Felden, R. Gebel, K. Grigoryev, A. Lehrach, C. Kannis, S. Pütz, H. Soltner and C. Zheng
Laser-Induced Polarization for the Electron-Ion Collider
PoS(SPIN2023)207 pdf K. Ranjbar, A. Snyder and E. Snyder
The SpinQuest (E1039) experiment’s polarized target system
PoS(SPIN2023)209 pdf M. Farooq, W. Ahmed and D. Keller
CEBAF injector at 200 kV: K-Long bunch charge with spin flipper OFF/ON
PoS(SPIN2023)210 pdf S. Pokharel, A. Hofler, R. Kazimi, G. Krafft, M. Bruker, J. Grames, R. Suleiman and S. Zhang
Operation of a Longitudinally Polarized Solid Nuclear Target in CLAS12
PoS(SPIN2023)211 pdf P. Pandey, J. Brock, T. Kageya, C. Keith, S.E. Kuhn, V. Lagerquist, J. Maxwell and X. Wei
A High-Field Polarized $^3$He Target for Jefferson Lab’s CLAS12 Spectrometer
PoS(SPIN2023)213 pdf J. Maxwell, X. Li, D. Nguyen, J. Brock, C. Keith and R. Milner
Design Considerations for a Transversely Polarized Solid Target in Hall B at Jefferson Lab
PoS(SPIN2023)214 pdf C. Keith
Strained Superlattice photocathode development using CBE and MBE
PoS(SPIN2023)215 pdf M.L. Stutzman, A. Engel and C. Palmstrøm
Recent activities of the Bonn Polarized Target Group
PoS(SPIN2023)221 pdf H. Dutz, V. Lagerquist and S. Goertz
Polarized ion sources at BNL
PoS(SPIN2023)222 pdf D. Raparia, G. Atoian, E. Beebe, S. Ikeda, T. Kanesue, S. Kondrasheva, J. Maxwell, R. Miller, M. Musgrav, M. Okamura, A. Pobklaguev, J. Ritter, A. Sukhanov, S. Trabocchi and A. Zelenski
Every polarized neutron beam wishes it had a polarized target: a history of Polarized Nuclear Targets at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory
PoS(SPIN2023)224 pdf D.G. Haase
Spin in Heavy Ion Collisions
Study of spin polarization dependence on rapidity, transverse momentum, and azimuthal angle
PoS(SPIN2023)227 pdf W. Florkowski, R. Ryblewski and R. Singh
Global polarization and spin alignment in heavy-ion collisions: past, present and future
PoS(SPIN2023)229 pdf Q. Wang, W.B. Dong, X.L. Sheng and Y.L. Yin
Spin in Heavy Ion Collisions - Experimental Review
PoS(SPIN2023)230 pdf A. Tang
Theoretical aspects of relativistic spin hydrodynamics coupled with electromagnetic fields
PoS(SPIN2023)231 pdf R. Singh, M. Shokri and S.m.a.T. Mehr
Spin polarization in heavy-ion collisions induced by thermal vorticity and thermal shear
PoS(SPIN2023)234 pdf M. Buzzegoli
Dissipative effects on the propagation of spin modes
PoS(SPIN2023)235 pdf R. Singh, V.E. Ambrus and R. Ryblewski
Measurement of $J/\psi$ polarization and spin alignment in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 200$ GeV at STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)236 pdf D. Shen, Q. Yang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Hyperon polarization measurements in heavy-ion collisions
PoS(SPIN2023)237 pdf T. Niida
Vector meson spin alignments in high energy reactions
PoS(SPIN2023)238 pdf Z.t. Liang
Measurements of global and local polarization of1 hyperons in 200 GeV isobar collisions from STAR
PoS(SPIN2023)239 pdf X. Gou and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Vector meson polarization measurements in pp and Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
PoS(SPIN2023)240 pdf X. Bai and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with spin
PoS(SPIN2023)241 pdf S. Bhadury, W. Florkowski, A. Jaiswal, A. Kumar and R. Ryblewski
Spin physics in Nuclear Reactions and Nuclei
Spin Physics at Nuclotron: Status and Perspectives
PoS(SPIN2023)245 pdf
V.P. Ladygin, V. P. Ladygin, A. V. Averyanov, E. V. Chernykh, D. Enache, Y. V. Gurchin, A.Y. Isupov, M. Janek, J.T. Karachuk, A.N. Khrenov, D.O. Krivenkov, P.K. Kurilkin, N.B. Ladygina, A.N. Livanov, O. Mezhenska, S.M. Piyadin, S.G. Reznikov, Y.T. Skhomenko, A.A. Terekhin, A.V. Tishevsky, T. Uesaka, I.E. Vnukov, I. Volkov and  on behalf of the DSS collaboration
DVCS on Polarized Nucleons with the CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab
PoS(SPIN2023)247 pdf N. Pilleux
Non-nucleonic degrees of freedom and the spin structure of the deuteron
PoS(SPIN2023)248 pdf M. Sargsian
Defining the Benchmarks for the Extraction of Information from Polarized Deep Exclusive Scattering
PoS(SPIN2023)252 pdf S. Liuti, M. Almaeen, B. Kriesten, Y. Li and H. Lin