PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 456 - 25th International Symposium on Spin Physics (SPIN2023) - Polarized Source and Targets
CEBAF injector at 200 kV: K-Long bunch charge with spin flipper OFF/ON
S. Pokharel*, A. Hofler, R. Kazimi, G. Krafft, M. Bruker, J. Grames, R. Suleiman and S. Zhang
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Published on: July 30, 2024
The forthcoming K-Long experiment in Jefferson Lab’s Hall D presents distinct beam requirements, marked by a notably low bunch repetition rate and an unusually high bunch charge.Furthermore, the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) Injector requires a parity quality beam for experiments such as the Measurement of a Lepton-Lepton Electroweak Reaction (MOLLER). In this study, to prepare for the upcoming K-Long experiment, using the optimized settings of the magnetic elements and RF amplitude and phases, we conducted simulations covering a range of bunch charge beams, from low to high specifications, while considering concurrent operations across all four Halls at CEBAF. Through these simulations, we systematically analyzed beam transmission as well as the transverse and longitudinal beam characteristics, examining the impact of Spin Flipper settings in both ON and OFF states.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.456.0210
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