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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 461 - High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VIII (HEPROVIII) - Posters
Multi-pulse GRB prompt emission via a novel pulse-shape model
G. A*, A. Pe'er, F. Ryde and H. Dereli-Bégué
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: May 15, 2024
Published on: July 30, 2024
The light curves of the prompt phase of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) exhibit erratic and diverse
behaviour, often with multiple pulses. The temporal shape of individual pulses is often modelled
as ‘fast rise exponential decay’ (FRED). Here, we propose a novel fitting function to measure
pulse asymmetry. We perform a time-resolved spectrum analysis on a sample of 75 pulses from
twenty-seven GRBs that the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor has identified. When multi-pulse
bursts are taken into account, a distinct behaviour becomes evident: the first pulses have the
most symmetric-like lightcurve, while subsequent pulses show an increase in the asymmetry
parameter, leading to a more FRED-like form. Furthermore, we correlate pulse temporal and
spectral shapes after fitting the spectra with the classical “Band" function. A moderate positive
Spearman correlation between pulse asymmetry and the low-energy spectral index 𝛼𝑚𝑎𝑥 (where
the maximum is taken over all time bins that cover the pulse shape) is identified. An overlapping
emission mechanism is indicated by the fact that 64% of the GRB pulses fall within the limits
of the slow-cooling synchrotron and non-dissipative photospheric emission models. Thus, our
findings offer a compelling hint towards understanding the origin of GRB pulses
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