PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 461 - High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VIII (HEPROVIII) - Posters
Accelerated cosmic rays' feedback on relativistic jets
A. Carvalho*, E. De Gouveia Dal Pino, T.E. Medina-Torrejon and G. Kowal
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Pre-published on: May 10, 2024
Published on: July 30, 2024
This work focuses on computing the influence of particles accelerated by magnetic reconnection on the background plasma of relativistic jets, therefore, particle feedback. Recent works have focused on computing test particles (cosmic rays, CRs hereafter) acceleration by magnetic reconnection in relatvistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) and RMHD particle-in-cell (RMHD-PIC) simulations of such jets, without accounting for their feedback on the background plasma.
This influence on the resulting Lorentz force is yet to be determined in this class of simulations. We propose a post-processing strategy to account for such effects. In a first step, we employ RMHD-PIC simulations (using PLUTO code); next, we fetch the particles’
positions and velocities in desired snapshots and compute the Lorentz force attributed to them. The current density for each cell in the mesh is computed according to the number of particles it contains. The average work performed by the particles and by the plasma on the
system are computed, showing that the former is lower by a factor of ≈ 10^-1, therefore not having, on average, much influence on the plasma dynamics or the particle acceleration process. Further studies are in development.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.461.0062
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