High Energy Physics

The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that reviews the field every second year since 1971 and is organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Divison of the European Physical Society. The latest conference in this series was held in Hamburg (in 2023). Earlier conferences took place in Hamburg, Hamburg (online), Ghent, Venice, Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon.
The 2025 European Physical Society conference for high energy physics will take place in Marseille, France. The organisation of the conference is organised jointly by the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), the Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 (CC-IN2P3), the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT), the Laboratoire des 2 Infinis de Toulouse (L2IT), the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) and the Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier (LUPM). The conference will feature plenary, review and parallel sessions covering all major areas and developments in high energy and particle physics, astroparticle physics, neutrino physics and related areas.

The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that review the field every second year since 1971 and is organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society. Previous conferences in this series were held in Hamburg (online), Ghent, Venice, Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon, Aachen. The 2023 conference was hosted jointly by DESY and the Universität Hamburg.
Sessions Conveners:
Plenary and ECFA-Plenary
Johannes Haller, University of Hamburg, johannes.haller@uni-hamburg.de
Ties Behnke, DESY, ties.behnke@desy.de
Astroparticle and Gravitational Waves
Livia Conti INFN livia.conti@pd.infn.it (EXP)
Gabrijela Zaharijas UNG gabrijela.zaharijas@ung.si (TH)
Carlos Perez de los Heros Uppsala University carlos.de-los-heros@physics.uu.se (EXP)
Martin Tluczykont Universität Hamburg martin.tluczykont@desy.de (EXP, Uni HH)
Gravitation and Cosmology
Fabrizio Rompineve CERN fabrizio.rompineve@cern.ch (TH)
Maciej Bilicki Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw Maciej Bilicki, bilicki@cft.edu.pl
Hyungjin Kim DESY Hyungjin Kim
Dark Matter
James Frost University of Oxford james.frost@cern.ch (EXP)
Silvia Scorza LPSC Grenoble scorza@lpsc.in2p3.fr (silvia.scorza@snolab.ca) (EXP)
Fady Bishara DESY fady.bishara@desy.de
Neutrino Physics
Paul Novella IFIC Pau.Novella@ific.uv.es (EXP)
Davide Sgalaberna ETH davides@ethz.ch (EXP)
Jessica Turner Durham University jessica.turner@durham.ac.uk (TH)
Summer Blot DESY summer.blot@desy.de
Ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions
Laura Fabbietti TU München laura.fabbietti@ph.tum.de
Gunther Roland MIT rolandg@mit.edu (EXP-CMS)
Jasmine Brewer CERN jasmine.brewer@cern.ch
Jeremi Niedziela DESY jeremi.niedziela@desy.de
QCD and Hadronic Physics
Mikko Voutilainen Helsinki University mikko.voutilainen@cern.ch(EXP-CMS)
Marius Wiesemann MPP marius.wiesemann@mpp.mpg.de (TH)
Marco Pappagallo INFN marco.pappagallo@ba.infn.it (EXP-LHCB)
Daniel Savoiu Universität Hamburg daniel.savoiu@uni-hamburg.de (EXP, Uni HH)
Top and Electroweak Physics
Gauthier Durieux CERN gauthier.durieux@cern.ch (TH)
Narei Lorenzo Martinez LAPP, Annecy narei.lorenzomartinez@lapp.in2p3.fr (EXP)
Abideh Jafari DESY abideh.jafari@desy.de
Flavour Physics and CP Violation
Marzia Bordone CERN marzia.bordone@cern.ch (TH)
Thomas Blake University of Warwick T.Blake.1@warwick.ac.uk (LHCB)
Thibaud Humair MPP Thibaud Humair
Higgs Physics
Ilaria Brivio Universita di Bologna ilaria.brivio@unibo.it (TH)
Karsten Koenecke Universität Freiburg Karsten.Koeneke@physik.uni-freiburg.de (EXP-ATLAS)
Matthias Schröder Universität Hamburg matthias.schroeder@uni-hamburg.de (EXP, Uni HH)
Searches for New Physics
Annapaola de Cosa ETH adecosa@phys.ethz.ch (CMS)
Dario Buttazzo INFN Pisa dario.buttazzo@pi.infn.it (TH)
Liron Barak Tel Aviv University lironbarak1@tauex.tau.ac.il (ATLAS)
Lisa Benato Universität Hamburg lisa.benato@cern.ch (EXP; Uni HH)
Quantum Field and String Theory
Alessandra Gnecchi INFN, Milan alessandra.gnecchi@cern.ch
Alexander Westphal DESY Alexander Westphal (DESY)
Craig Lawrie DESY local : Craig.Lawrie@desy.de
Detector R&D and Data Handling
Jochen Klein CERN jochen.klein@cern.ch (ALICE)
Shikma Bressler Weizmann Institute shikma.bressler@weizmann.ac.il (ATLAS)
Stefano de Capua Manchester University decapua.stefano@gmail.com (LHCb)
Friederike Januschek DESY Friederike.Januschek@desy.de
Accelerators for HEP
Tatiana Pieloni École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne tatiana.pieloni@epfl.ch
Mauro Migliorati Universita di Roma mauro.migliorati@uniroma1.it
Marc Wenskat Universität Hamburg wenskm@mail.desy.de (EXP, Uni HH)
Outreach, Education and EDI
Gwenhaël Wilberts Dewasseige UC Louvain gwenhael.dewasseige@uclouvain.be
Alessia Bruni INFN Bologna alessia.bruni@bo.infn.it
Marie-Lena Dieckmann Universität Hamburg marie-lena.dieckmann@lhc-deutschland.de (UHH)

The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that reviews the field every second year since 1971 and is organised by the High Energy and Particle Physics Divison of the European Physical Society. The latest conferences in this series were held in Ghent, Venice, Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon, Aachen
The 2021 European Physical Society conference for high energy physics will follow a purely online format. The organisation of the conference has been hosted jointly by Universität Hamburg and by the research center DESY. The conference will feature plenary, review and parallel sessions covering all major areas and developments in high energy and particle physics, astroparticle physics, neutrino physics and related areas.

The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that reviews the field every second year since 1971 organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society. The latest conferences in this series were held in Venice, Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon and Aachen.
In 2019 the EPS-HEP conference will take place in Ghent, Belgium from 10 to 17 July. The 2019 conference is organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Ghent University in collaboration with Universiteit Antwerpen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universite Libre de Bruxelles and Universite Catholique de Louvain. The conference will review latest results in Astroparticle Physics and Gravitational Waves, Cosmology, Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Flavour and CP Violation, Standard Model and Beyond, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Quantum Field and String Theory, QCD and Heavy Ions, Accelerators and Detectors, Outreach, Education and Diversity

The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that review the field. It takes place every other year since 1971. It is organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society in cooperation with an appointed European Local Institute of Research or an internationally recognized University or Academy Body.
EPS-HEP 2017 was held on 5-12 July in Venice, Italy at Palazzo del Cinema and Palazzo del Casinò, located in the Lido island. The conference has been organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova.
Editorial Committee: Paolo Checchia, Mauro Mezzetto, Giuseppina Salente, Michele Doro, Livia Conti, Caterina Braggio, Chiara Sirignano, Andrea Dainese, Martino Margoni, Roberto Rossin, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Patrizia Azzi, Enrico Conti, Marco Zanetti, Luca Martucci, Sofia Talas, Luciano Canton.

Topics covered are: Standard Model and Beyond Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Neutrino Physics Flavour Physics CP Violation and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries QCD and Hadronic Physics Heavy Ions Astroparticle Physics High Energy Astrophysics Cosmology Non-perturbative Field Theory String Theory Detectors and Data Handling Accelerator R&D Future Facilities
Special ECFA session 20 July: Particle Physics after the European strategy update

Editorial Board
Akesson Torsten, Barlow Roger, Barreira Gaspar (chairman), Berger Christoph, Bernabeu Jose, Burkhardt Helmut, Foster Brian, Huber C.E. Martin, Hubner Kurt, Lee David, Leitner Rupert, Levai Peter, Linde Frank, Osland Per, Pauss Felicitas, Pokorski Stefan, Rabinovici Eliezer, Sphicas Paris, Tuominiemi Jorma, Vilain Pierre, Wark Dave, Wermes Norbert, Wess Julius, Wormser Guy, Zwirner Fabio

This major biennial forum of high energy and particle physics followed the traditions of the series, in particular the successful previous conferences of Tampere (1999), Jerusalem (1997) and Brussels (1995). The conference programme started with three days of presentation of original results in thematic parallel sessions. After a break on 15th of July (the excursion day) it continued with plenary talks summarising the most recent outstanding results and discussing the perspectives of particle physics. See the home page of the Conference for details. Among other information one can find there the Conference Programme and the scanned-in transparencies of the talks.
The conference was organised at the new campus of Roland Estvss University in Budapest and had more than 600 participants mostly from European countries but with significant attendance from North and South America, Asia and Africa as well.
In addition to the scientific programme outstanding scientists were awarded prizes of the European Physical Society: the 2001 High Energy Particle Physics Prize as well as three newly founded awards: the Prize for Young Particle Physicists, the Gribov Medal honouring a young theoretical particle physicist and the Outreach Prize for the best popularisation of particle physics discoveries.
Prof. Donald Perkins (Oxford University) has been awarded the High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of the European Physical Society "For his outstanding contributions to Neutrino Physics and for implementing the use of Neutrinos as a tool to elucidate the Quark Structure on the Nucleon."
The Young Particle Physicist Prize was granted to Dr. Arnulf Quadt (Bonn University) "For his outstanding contribution to the measurement of the F2 Structure Function in Deep Inelastic Scattering and extending its measurement to low values of momentum transfer and fractional momentum x."
The Gribov Medal was given to Prof. Steven S. Gubser (Caltech) "For his outstanding work that has revealed a deep connection between gauge theories and gravitational interactions in the framework of string theories. This made it possible to compute and understand interesting properties of a gauge theory in 3+1 dimensions from a gravitational theory in 4+1 dimensions."
Outreach Prizes were given to Dr. Christine Sutton (Oxford University) and Prof. Erik Johansson (Stockholm University) "For their innovative use of electronic and printed media to bring HEP to wider public, including professional colleagues, students and schools, and in particular their collaboration developing computer interactive packages for educational master classes."
The Local Organizing Committee invited all prize winners to deliver talks during the HEP2001 Conference at a special Prizewinner's Session.
Editorial Board
Horváth Dezsõ (chairman), Lévai Péter, Patkós András