International Conference on New Photo-detectors

6-9 July 2015
Moscow, Troitsk, Russia
The International Conference on New Photo-Detectors is the 4th meeting in a series of Workshops
on New Photo-Detectors: PD07, Kobe, Japan; PD09, Matsumoto, Japan; PhotoDet12, Orsay, France.
The purpose of this Conference is to discuss new ideas and recent developments in photo-detectors
and their applications in various fields: high energy physics, neutrino physics, particle and
astroparticle physics, nuclear physics, nuclear medicine and industry. The main topics of the
Conference relate to APD, SiPM, PMT, Hybrid PMT, MCP-PMT, and electronics: front-end and readout
of large systems. The Conference program is structured in plenary sessions with invited and
contributed talks and a poster session.

PhotoDet 2012
June 13-15, 2012
LAL Orsay, France
The third edition of the « International Workshop on New
Photon-Detectors (PhotoDet 2012) » will be held at the Laboratory of Linear Accelerator (LAL), Orsay, France, from 13th to 15th of June, 2012.
The workshop is devoted to recent developments in photo-sensors and their applications in different fields like high energy physics,nuclear physics, cosmic-ray physics, astronomy, cosmology and medical sciences. The Geiger-mode multi-pixel photon detectors and their related front-end and read-out electronics represent the main targets of the workshop. Topics related to Hybrid-PMT, APD, MCP-PMT and other new photon sensors are also covered.