High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
This year the Workshop is organized jointly by the SINP MSU and the SPbSU and it will take place in the holiday hotel "Baltiets" situated in a picturesque place of the Karelian Isthmus on the shore of the Gulf of Finland in the suburb of the second largest Russian city Saint Petersburg.
Scientific program, the main topics to be covered are:
* Higgs searches and other experimental results from the LHC and the Tevatron; impact of the Higgs-like boson observed
* Physics prospects at Linear Colliders and super B-factories
* Extensions of the Standard Model and their phenomenological consequences at the LHC and Linear Colliders
* Higher order corrections and resummations for collider phenomenology
* Automatic calculations and Monte Carlo simulations in high energy physics
* LHC/LC and astroparticle/cosmology connections
* Modern nuclear physics and relativistic nucleous-nucleous collisions
* Detectors for future experiments in high energy physics
The Workshop will include plenary and two parallel afternoon sessions. The plenary sessions will consist of invited lectures. The afternoon sessions will include original talks.
Further details are given at http://qfthep.sinp.msu.ru
Previous Editions of QFTHEP