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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 310 - XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron2017) - Session 1: Spectroscopy of mesons
D4π, DKKππ amplitude analyses and properties of a1(1260), π(1300), a1(1640)
N. Skidmore*, P. D'argent, J. Benton, J.P. Dalseno, E.M. Gersabeck, S. Harnew, P. Naik, C. Prouve and J. Rademacker
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Pre-published on: February 16, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
The resonant substructures of \Dz\fourpi and \Dz\KKpipi decays are studied using data collected by the CLEO detector. Amplitude analyses are performed using a data driven regularization procedure to limit the model complexity. For the \Dz\fourpi decay the prominent contributions are the decay modes \Dza1(1260)+π, \Dzσf0(1370) and \Dzρ(770)0ρ(770)0. The broad resonances a1(1260)+, π(1300)+ and a1(1640)+ are studied in detail, including quasi-model-independent parametrizations of their lineshapes.

The amplitude analysis of \Dz\KKpipi decays uses a significantly improved formalism with respect to previous analyses of the decay. The largest contributions to the decay are found to be the decay modes \Dzϕ(1020)ρ(770)0, \DzK1(1270)+K and \DzK(1400)+K. A search for \CP asymmetries at both global and amplitude component level yield no evidence for \CP violation in either decay mode.\\
The work presented here is published in Ref.~\cite{dArgent2017}.
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