Low-energy limit of the O(4) quark-meson model
J. Eser*, F. Divotgey and M. Mitter
Published on:
February 28, 2020
We study the generation of low-energy couplings induced by quantum fluctuations within the O(4)-symmetric quark-meson model. To this end, we compute the functional renormalization group flow of the linearly realized quark-meson model including higher-derivative interactions and subsequently transform the resulting effective action into a nonlinear effective pion action. The latter is referred to as the low-energy limit of the O(4) quark-meson model. The present study may be considered as a preparatory work for the dynamical generation of low-energy couplings from functional QCD fluctuations in order to determine meaningful renormalization scales for purely pionic models.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.317.0060
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