Observations outside Radio Astronomy
O. Scholten*, J. Bacelar, S. Buitink, H. Falcke, H. van der Marel, H. van der Marel, R. Klees, A. van Ardenne, M. Mevius, M. Bentum, K. Kegel and A. Bos
Published on:
May 20, 2019
Observations outside Radio Astronomy
Chapter 17.1:
- The NuMoon experiment at the WSRT
Chapter 17.2:
- Geodesy and Gravity at the WSRT
Chapter 17.3:
- Ionosphere, the WSRT, LOFAR and Space Weather
- The search for NASA’s Mars Polar Lander
Chapter 17.4:
- A Westerbork Radio Telescope for Galileo Monitoring
- Discovery of Heaven in Westerbork
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.361.0018
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