$a_S$ from non-strange hadronic tau decays
S. Peris*, D. Boito, M. Golterman and K. Maltman
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
September 13, 2019
We review how the current precision attained in the extraction of αs(mτ)from hadronic τ decays requires the inclusion of Duality Violations (DVs) in the analysis, even though these decays are largely dominated by perturbation theory. A weighted average using the OPAL and ALEPH experimental data yields αs(mZ) =0.1165±0.0012 andαs(mZ) =0.1185±0.0015 in fixed-order and contour-improved perturbation theory, respectively.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.365.0018
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