Fostering weather and climate literacy among pupils by engagement in a weather citizen science project
T. Kox*, M. Göber, B. Wentzel, E. Freundl and H. Rust
Published on:
April 12, 2021
The project KARE-citizen science established a layperson weather network with two schools in the Bavarian Prealps, Germany, to build up decision-relevant knowledge about weather and climate. Over the summer of 2020, pupils collected weather data with self-assembled low-cost autonomous weather stations and reported weather impacts.The project included a pre- and post-test of pupils' weather literacy and awareness of climate change and their expectation of local weather before summer and perception in hindsight. The ongoing COVID-19 situation had a major impact on the intended activities. A comprehensive analysis is therefore deferred to a full experiment planned in summer 2021.
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