We present the first lattice study of dibaryons with highest bottom number. Utilizing
a set of state-of-the-art lattice QCD ensembles and methodologies, we determine the ground state of
dibaryon composed of two $\Omega_{bbb}$ baryons. We extract the related scattering amplitude
in the $^1S_0$ channel and find a sub-threshold pole, which signifies an unambiguous evidence for
a deeply bound $\Omega_{bbb}-\Omega_{bbb}$ dibaryon. The binding energy of such a state as dictated
by this pole singularity is found to be -81($^{+14}_{-16}$) MeV. We quantify various systematic
uncertainties involved in this determination, including those related to the excited state
contamination and Coulomb repulsion between the bottom quarks.