PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 430 - The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2022) - Poster
Hamiltonian limit of lattice QED in 2+1 dimensions
L. Funcke, C. Groß*, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, S. Romiti and C. Urbach
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Pre-published on: March 22, 2023
Published on: April 06, 2023
The Hamiltonian limit of lattice gauge theories can be found by extrapolating the results of anisotropic lattice computations, i.e., computations using lattice actions with different temporal and spatial lattice spacings ($a_t\neq a_s$), to the limit of $a_t\to 0$.
In this work, we present a study of this Hamiltonian limit for a Euclidean $U(1)$ gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions (QED3), regularized on a toroidal lattice.
The limit is found using the renormalized anisotropy $\xi_R=a_t/a_s$, by sending $\xi_R \to 0$ while keeping the spatial lattice spacing constant.
We compute $\xi_R$ in $3$ different ways: using both the ``normal'' and the ``sideways'' static quark potential, as well as the gradient flow evolution of gauge fields.
The latter approach will be particularly relevant for future investigations of combining quantum computations with classical Monte Carlo computations, which requires the matching of lattice results obtained in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.430.0292
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