Quantum simulations of lattice field thoeries
D. Grabowska
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Pre-published on: May 10, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
The last several years have seen a massive resurgence of interest in the Hamiltonian simulation of relativistic lattice field theories from the nuclear and high energy physics community. This renewal has largely been driven by rapid advancements in quantum computing hardware and increased access to real quantum computers, not just simulators on classical machines. However, significant breakthroughs in hardware and software must occur to develop fault-tolerant quantum computers, which will most likely be necessary for simulations of physically-relevant nuclear systems. In the meantime, there are many theoretical and algorithmic roadblocks to overcome in order to implement gauge theories onto quantum computers. In this plenary, I present a broad overview of digital quantum simulation, including methods and status of current hardware architectures, followed by a description of the challenges faced when simulating lattice gauge theories on quantum computers.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.453.0110
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