The distribution amplitude of the $\eta_c$ meson
M.T. San José Pérez*, B. Blossier, M. Mangin-Brinet and J.M. Morgado Chávez
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Pre-published on: December 27, 2023
Published on: November 06, 2024
We report on the first lattice determination of the pseudoscalar meson $\eta_c$ light-cone distribution amplitude, using a set of three CLS $N_f=2$ ensembles at a pion mass $m_{\pi} \sim 270~\text{MeV}$ and lattice spacings $a \sim 0.076~\text{fm}$, $0.066~\text{fm}$ and $0.049~\text{fm}$. Employing Short Distance Factorization, we extract the pseudo-DA on the lattice for Ioffe times $\nu \leq 4.5$, and the various lattice spacings allow us to take the continuum limit. We employ a basis of Jacobi polynomials to parametrize the distribution amplitude, which allows us to express the matching to the pseudo distribution in closed form. We also observe a strong effect, which we attribute to the heavy charm-quark mass.
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