The transverse momentum dependent (TMD) soft function can be obtained by formulating the Wilson line in terms of auxiliary 1-dimensional fermion fields on the lattice.
In this formulation, the directional vector of the auxiliary field in Euclidean space has the form $\tilde n = (in^0, \vec 0_\perp, n^3)$, where the time component is purely imaginary.
The components of these complex directional vectors in the Euclidean space can be mapped directly to the rapidities of the Minkowski space soft function.
We present the results of the one-loop calculation of the Euclidean space analog to the soft function using these complex directional vectors.
As a result, we show that the calculation is valid only when the directional vectors obey the relation: $|r| = |n^3/n^0| > 1$, and that this result corresponds to a computation in Minkowski space with space-like directed Wilson lines.
Finally, we show that a lattice calculable object can be constructed that has the desired properties of the soft function.