PDFs, $\alpha_s$, and quark masses from the global fits
S. Alekhin*, J. Bluemlein, S.O. Moch and R. Placakyte
*: corresponding author
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Published on: October 06, 2016
The strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ and the heavy-quark masses, $m_c$, $m_b$, $m_t$ are extracted simultaneosly with the parton distribution functions (PDFs) in the updated ABM12 fit including recent data from CERN-SPS, HERA, Tevatron, and the LHC. The values of
\nonumber \alpha_s(M_Z)&=&0.1147\pm0.0008~({\rm exp.)},\\ \nonumber
m_c(m_c)&=&1.252\pm 0.018~({\rm exp.})~{\rm GeV},\\ \nonumber
m_b(m_b)&=&3.83\pm0.12~({\rm exp.})~{\rm GeV},\\ \nonumber
m_t(m_t)&=&160.9\pm1.1~({\rm exp.})~{\rm GeV}
are obtained with the $\overline{MS}$ heavy-quark mass definition being employed throughout the analysis.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.260.0042
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