Volume 276 - Fourth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2016) - Poster: LHC experiments upgrade
Design of the ATLAS New Small Wheel Gas Distribution System for the Micromegas Detector Modules
E. Gazis
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Pre-published on: September 20, 2016
Published on: March 28, 2017
In this work we present and describe the methodology, the relative calculations and simulations accordingly to achieve the appropriate gas flow rates ensuring a uniform gas distribution among the same type of New Small Wheel (NSW) Micromegas modules. The majority of the components used are in large multiplicity so space saving criteria is taking into account and simplicity on the performance with respect to the total cost as well. An appropriate simulation program has
been developed for studying the overall gas system determining the gauge pressure, flow rate in the critical points and branches, respectively. Moreover, an overall prototype configuration, implemented at the NTUA laboratory and based on the Lock-in Amplifier technique to be used in conjunction with the gas leak test via the FRL method is presented. The obtained performances, by means of sensitivity and S/N ratio improvement, are also discussed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.276.0198
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