PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 277 - MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA (MeerKAT2016) - MeerKAT Large Survey Projects
MeerTRAP: Real Time Commensal Searching for Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT
B. Stappers
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Published on: February 01, 2018
MeerTRAP: Meer (more) TRAnsients and Pulsars, is a project to commensally use the MeerKAT telescope to search the radio sky for pulsars and fast transients and to rapidly and accurately locate them. Utilising the excellent sensitivity and sky coverage of MeerKAT MeerTRAP will enable the discovery of many rare and scientifically important pulsar types: relativistic binaries, inter- mittent emitters, transitioning systems. Current radio telescopes have only explored the tip of the transients "iceberg" and MeerTRAP will transform our knowledge of these manifestations of extreme physics. It will detect hundreds of new bursts, which will all be well localised, allowing us to identify hosts and distances, greatly enhancing their use as cosmological probes. Locali- sation also enables measurement of their true fluxes, polarisation and spectral indices which are all crucial to identify their origin. It will do this by expanding the tied-array beam-forming ca- pabilities provided by the MPIfR and add the capability to search the coherent and incoherent beams for transients and pulsars in real time. It will also implement a tied-array buffer on each of the dishes and the ability to use this data to image the field around bursts. It will also allow the extraction of high time resolution and polarisation calibrated data on each burst. MeerTRAP will also work with the MeerLICHT telescope to obtain optical data before, during and after the bursts. MeerTRAP is funded through a European Research Council Advanced Grant. The system will be designed in close collaboration with colleagues from the MPIfR and the University of Oxford and builds on the beam-former developed by the MPIfR. Descriptions of the beam-former and the S-band system developed by MPIfR and the related MeerKAT project TRAPUM can be found elsewhere in these proceedings.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.277.0010
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