Volume 278 - VII Workshop Italiano sulla fisica pp a LHC (PP@LHC2016) - Introductory session
Keynote talk: the LHC Run 2 and BSM phenomenology
A. Wulzer
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Published on: October 07, 2016
The LHC collider recently started operating at an increased center of mass energy of 13 TeV and will soon collect, during the so-called ``run-2'', an integrated luminosity of 100 fb^-1. In this talk I briefly summarised some of the major physics opportunities offered by run-2 data for the exploration of Beyond the Standard Model physics. These include searches for new phenomena in the Higgs and ElectroWeak sector, resonances and Dark Matter searches.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.278.0001
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