Volume 281 - The 26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016) - Applied Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Physics in Medicine – Monday 12
Determination And Monte Carlo Simulations Of Neutron Flux Inside Spallation Target Quinta
P. Tichy*, J. Adam, A. A. Baldin, P. Chudoba, W. I. Furman, S. A. Gustov, J. Khushvaktov, I. I. Mar'in, A. A. Solnyshkin, M. Suchopar, J. Svoboda, S. I. Tyutyunnikov, R. Vespalec, J. Vrzalova, V. Wagner, L. Zavorka and M. Zeman
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: May 04, 2017
Published on: May 09, 2017
This paper deals with experiments performed with natural uranium spallation target QUINTA irradiated by 4 GeV and 8 GeV deuteron beam from Nuclotron accelerator and by 660 MeV proton beam from Phasotron accelerator. Reaction rates for Na-24, Co-57, Co-58, Bi-205 and Bi-206 production in Al, Co and Pb threshold radioactivation foils were determined. The data served for calculation of the experimental neutron flux inside the QUINTA target for the Phasotron experiment. Simulations in Monte Carlo code MCNPX 2.7 were performed and compared to the experimental data. In the current state of research, the data evaluation and simulations are preliminary.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.281.0115
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