Recomissioning and Perspectives of VEPP-2000 e+e- Collider
D. Shwartz*,
V.V. Anashin,
A. Andrianov,
K. Astrelina,
A.M. Batrakov,
O. Belikov,
D.E. Berkaev, M. Blinov, F. Emanov, A. Frolov, K. Gorchakov, A. Kasaev, A. Kenzhbulatov, A.N. Kirpotin, I. Koop, A. Krasnov, G.Y. Kurkin, A.P. Lysenko, I. Mikheev, S. Motygin, D. Nikiforov, V. Prosvetov, D. Rabusov, V. Raschenko, Y.A. Rogovsky, I. Sedlyarov, A. Semenov, A. Senchenko, P.Y. Shatunov, Y.M. Shatunov, A. Tribendis, Y. Zharinov and I.M. Zemlyanskyet al. (click to show)*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
February 06, 2017
Published on:
April 19, 2017
VEPP-2000 is electron-positron collider exploiting the novel concept of round colliding beams. After three seasons of data taking in the whole energy range of 160-1000 MeV per beam it was stopped in 2013 for injection chain upgrade. The linking to the new BINP source of intensive beams together with booster synchrotron modernization provides the drastic luminosity gain at top energy of VEPP-2000.
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