Education & Outreach Programs at KEK
S. Takahashi
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Pre-published on: February 06, 2017
Published on: April 19, 2017
KEK is one of the world's major particle physics research organizations located in Japan.
Our mission in research is to unveil mysteries of the Universe, shedding a light to expand the knowledge of human beings.

However, sharing these knowledge is also as important as accomplishing our missions.
For that purpose, we have educational programs such as science camps, masterclasses, hands-on experiences for students from elementary school to undergraduates.
We also organise science cafe, public lectures, open campus, photo exhibition, and concert for general public.

In this proceeding, three out of many education & outreach programs at KEK are described.
We would like to introduce these programs and discuss how to make physics, especially high energy physics, more popular in Japan.
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