Conformal Complex Scalar Singlet Extensions of the Standard Model: Symmetry Breaking Patterns and Phenomenology
Z. Wang*, F. Sage, T. Steele, R. Mann and T. Hanif
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 06, 2017
Published on: April 19, 2017
We consider a conformal complex singlet extension of the Standard Model with a Higgs portal interaction. Two different scenarios depending on whether the global U(1) symmetry is broken or not have been studied. In the unbroken phase, the decay of the complex singlet is protected by the global U(1) symmetry which leads to an ideal cold dark matter candidate. In the broken phase, we are able to provide a second Higgs at $554\,\rm{GeV}$. In addition, gauging the global U(1) symmetry, we can construct an asymptotically safe U(1)' leptophobic model. We combine the notion of asymptotic safety with conformal symmetry and use the renormalization group equations as a bridge to connect UV boundary conditions and Electroweak (EW)/ TeV scale physics. We also provide a detailed example to show that these boundary conditions will lead to phenomenological signatures such as diboson excesses which could be tested at the LHC.
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