Volume 287 - The 25th International workshop on vertex detectors (Vertex 2016) - Session: New developments and detector R&D
High fluence effects on silicon detectors: damage and defects characterization: An overview of the state of the art of radiation resistance detectors
S. Wonsak*  on behalf of the RD50 Collaboration
*: corresponding author
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: April 21, 2017
Published on: August 03, 2017
The CERN RD50 collaboration has the aim to investigate radiation hard semiconductor devices
for very high luminosity colliders. This is done by looking into four key aspects: Defect/material
characterization, detector characterization, new structures and full detector systems.
After the Phase II upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) the luminosity will increase and
therefore the radiation level for the silicon detectors. They have to be able to operate at fluences
of up to 2×10$^{16}$ n$_{eq}$/cm$^{2}$. To cope with this, new semiconductor sensor technologies have been
developed. This article will give a brief overview of the latest results of the RD50 collaboration
for the characterization of 3D detectors, HV-CMOS pixel detectors, low gain avalanche detectors
(LGAD) and sensors with slim/active edge.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.287.0032
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