Recola2: a one-loop matrix-element generator for BSM theories and SM effective field theory
A. Denner, J.N. Lang* and S. Uccirati
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 29, 2018
Published on: July 02, 2018
We present the RECOLA2 library for the efficient generation and computation of one-loop amplitudes in Beyond-Standard-Model theories. RECOLA2 is based on RECOLA, an efficient
one-loop amplitude generator for the Standard Model, and REPT1L, a newly developed tool to generate one-loop model files for RECOLA2 in a fully automated way. RECOLA2 is able to operate with non-trivial extensions of the SM, e.g. extended Higgs sectors and effective field theories. We discuss first applications to extended Higgs sectors and their renormalization.
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