Automated Calculation of Dijet Soft Functions in the Presence of Jet Clustering Effects
G. Bell*, R. Rahn and J. Talbert
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 02, 2018
Published on: July 02, 2018
We extend our framework for the automated calculation of dijet soft functions to observables that do not obey the non-Abelian exponentiation theorem, like jet-veto or grooming soft functions that are sensitive to clustering effects of the jet algorithm. Although the matrix element for uncorrelated double emissions has a simpler structure than the one for correlated emissions, we argue that its singularity structure poses more stringent constraints on the required phase-space parametrisation. Our algorithm applies to both SCET-1 and SCET-2 soft functions and it is implemented in the novel program SoftSERVE. We present results for various jet-veto observables and obtain new predictions for the soft-drop jet-grooming algorithm.
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