The School of Athens" or "Bridge between MEP and HEP
Pre-published on:
March 08, 2018
Published on:
July 02, 2018
This century the situation has changed: neutrino oscillations have shown that the SM is incomplete. On the other hand, we have not found signs of SUSY, which is seen as the best candidate for New Dynamics (ND). We should search for ND indirectly with accuracy in regions that are above what LHC can find it directly. General comments: (a) QCD is the only local quantum field theory to describe strong forces. We have to apply non-perturbative QCD on different levels to flavor dynamics in strange, charm & beauty hadrons and even for top quarks. We need consistent parameterization of the CKM matrix and apply to weak decays of beauty hadrons with many-body final states. (b) It is crucial to use the Wilsonian OPE as much as possible and discuss "duality" in the worlds of quarks and hadrons. The pole mass of heavy quarks is not well-defined on the non-perturbative level – i.e., it is not Borel summable in total QCD. (c) We need a novel team to combine the strengths of our tools from MEP and HEP.
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