Electroweak corrections to vector-boson scattering
B. Biedermann, A. Denner* and M. Pellen
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 08, 2018
Published on: July 02, 2018
We report on a recent calculation of the complete NLO QCD and electroweak corrections to the process $pp → μ^+ ν_μ e^+ ν_e jj$, i.e. like-sign charged vector-boson scattering. The computation is based on the complete amplitudes involving two different orders of the strong and electroweak coupling constants at tree level and three different orders at one-loop level. We find electroweak corrections of −13% for the fiducial cross section that are an intrinsic feature of the vector-boson scattering process. For differential distributions, the corrections reach up to −40% in the phase-space regions explored. At the NLO level a unique separation between vector-boson scattering and irreducible background processes is not possible any more at the level of Feynman diagrams.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.290.0072
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