PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 294 - The 3rd International Symposium on “Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe" (KMI2017) - Talk Presentations
Phenomenological Analysis of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
C. Nonaka* and K. Okamoto
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: November 22, 2017
Published on: November 24, 2017
We develop a state-of-the-art numerical algorithm for solving the relativistic viscous hydrodynamic
equation, using a Riemann solver based on two-shock approximation.
We show validity of our hydrodynamics code from comparison with analytical solutions of
test problems.
Furthermore we perform numerical hydrodynamic calculation with a realistic fluctuating initial condition of high-energy
heavy-ion collisions at LHC produced by TRENTO.
We show time evolution of temperature distributions on $x-y$ and $x-\eta$ planes with lattice QCD equation of state (EoS) and
discuss the EoS dependence of it .
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.294.0014
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