Naturalness and Dark Matter Properties of the BLSSM
S. King*, L. Delle Rose, S. Khalil, C. Marzo, S. Moretti and C.S. Un
Pre-published on:
September 12, 2017
Published on:
January 16, 2018
In this report, we compare the naturalness and Dark Matter (DM) properties of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and the B−L Supersymmetric Standard Model (BLSSM), with universality in both cases. We do this by adopting standard measures for the quantitative analysis of the Fine-Tuning (FT), at both low (i.e. supersymmetric (SUSY)) and high (i.e. unification) scales. We will see a similar level of FT for both models in these scenarios, with a slightly better FT for the BLSSM at SUSY scales and MSSM at Grand Unification Theory (GUT) scales. When including DM relic constraints, we drastically confine the MSSM's parameter space, whereas we still find a large parameter space available for the non-minimal scenario.
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