I present a summary of recent results from the BESIII experiment that relate to the study of the
enigmatic Y(4260) charmonium-like resonance. First I review the considerable body of existing
experimental material on the Y(4260) and briefly describe some of the proposed theoretical models for its underlying structure. I then describe critical measurements that can be done at BESIII with a data sample of double-tagged e+e- ->pi+ D0 D0bar (pi-) events, where the pi- is not detected but its four-momentum is inferred from energy-momentum conservation. The well established D-wave dominance of the D_1(2420) -> D*pi decay vertex provides a powerful diagnostic tool that can be used to discriminate between the D D_1(2420)bar molecular picture and other proposed models. However, this discrimination can only be accomplished in the context of a complete three-dimensional amplitude analysis.