Volume 307 - XVII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (NEUTEL2017) - Session x - convener: marco laveder – sterile neutrinos (1)
Phenomenology of light sterile neutrinos
A. Palazzo
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Pre-published on: March 28, 2018
Published on: April 05, 2018
Several anomalies observed in short-baseline neutrino experiments suggest that
the standard 3-flavor framework may be incomplete and indicate the existence
of light sterile neutrinos. Here, we present a brief review of the status of the neutrino
oscillations within the 3+1 scheme, the minimal extension of the standard 3-flavor framework with one sterile neutrino. We stress the potential role of LBL experiments in the searches of CP violation related to sterile neutrinos and their synergy with the SBL experiments.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.307.0040
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