Volume 308 - QCD Evolution 2017 (QCDEV2017) - Tuesday, May 23, 2017- Afternoon 1
Heavy quarkonium production in hadronic collisions in TMD framework
J.W. Qiu and K. Watanabe*
*: corresponding author
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Published on: March 23, 2018
Heavy quarkonium ($\Upsilon$) production at low transverse momentum ($P_\perp$) in high-energy hadronic collisions is revisited from the point of view of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) framework. We perform resummation of double logarithmic correction associated with initial-state soft gluon shower for $b\bar b$ production by employing Collins-Soper-Sterman (CSS) formalism. We show that the CSS formalism provides a nice description of $\Upsilon$ production data in p+$\rm\bar{p}$ collisions at Tevatron and p+p collisions at the LHC.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.308.0024
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