Highlights of the ANTARES neutrino telescope results
A. Margiotta*
on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
November 02, 2017
Published on:
March 20, 2018
The ANTARES neutrino telescope is located in the Mediterranean Sea, at a depth of about 2500 m under the sea level, 40 km off-shore from Toulon. The long attenuation length of the sea water allows for the reconstruction of neutrino direction with an excellent angular resolution. This feature, together with the location of the telescope in the Northern hemisphere, results in competitive sensitivity for neutrino source searches in the Southern Sky at TeV energies. The latest results of the ANTARES analyses for neutrino point sources and for diffuse neutrino emission from the entire sky as well as from several interesting regions such as the Galactic Plane are presented here. An overview of the multi-messenger activities of ANTARES will be given. The results of a search for neutrinos produced in the annihilation of dark matter accumulated in massive objects like the Sun and the Galactic Centre are also presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.314.0018
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