EUSO-SPB (Extreme Universe Space Observatory - Super Pressure Balloon) is an experiment on board a super pressure balloon for a flight duration which may reach 100 days. The instrument was launched on the 25th April 2017 from Wanaka in New Zealand; the flight was terminated after 12 days aloft.
The instrument is an updated version of the EUSO-Balloon one. It includes a full original JEM-EUSO PDM (Photon Detection Module with 2304 pixels), and an optical system with two Fresnel lenses with a side of 1 meter covering a field of view of nearly +-6 degrees.
The main scientific objective is the first observation and measurements of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Air Showers by looking down from near space with a fluorescence detector. The EUSO-SPB will also search for UV pulse like signatures from other objects as meteoroids, atmosphere TLEs, SQM, LSPs and it will measure slowly varying UV light as airglow, bioluminescence events over the ocean.