Liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) provide a robust and elegant method for measuring the properties of neutrino interactions above a few tens of MeV by providing 3D event imaging with excellent spatial resolution. LArTPCs have been chosen by the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as the far detector technology and it will play an essential role in the studies of neutrino mass ordering and CP violation as well as searches for proton decays and supernova neutrinos. The 35 ton prototype, located at Fermilab, featured many advanced technologies being considered by the DUNE far detector, such as the membrane cryostat, cold electronics, anode plane assembly (APA) with wrapped wires, silicon photomultipliers to readout scintillation photons, scintillator counters to trigger cosmic ray muons. The high quality data in the 35-ton LArTPC are important to the understanding of many physics effects such as the attenuation caused by impurities, diffusion, space charge, and calorimetric response of muons, protons and neutral pions.