Different astrophysical anomalies could find
explanation on the existence of a new kind of matter, dark matter, stimulating the search for mediator of a new force, called dark photon (U boson, A′), coupling weakly with Standard Model particles.
The KLOE experiment searched for the existence of the dark photon investigating three different processes: dalitz decays of the Φ meson Φ→ηU, the production from continuum e+e−→Uγ, the dark Higgsstrahlung e+e−→Uh′. No evidence was found and limits on the model parameters have been set at 90\% confidence level.
A reanalysis on the e+e−→Uγ with U decaying into muon pairs at 1.93 fb−1 was performed and new preliminary 90\% CL upper limits obtained with this data sample and by the combination of these events with the U boson decaying into pions pairs will be presented.
The upgraded detector KLOE-2 is collecting data with new beam crossing scheme of \DAF\ since November 2014.
The analyses of new data could improve the sensitivity of these investigated processes by a factor two profiting of the higher statistics and the improvement on the momentum and interaction vertex resolution. Moreover, a single photon trigger has been implemented in data taking and will allow the search of the dark photon through its invisible decays in light dark matter particles.