Higgs effective Hℓiℓj vertex from heavy νR and applications to LFV phenomenology
M.J. Herrero*,
E. Arganda",
X. Marcano",
R. Morales" and
A. Szynkman"*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
October 20, 2017
Published on:
March 20, 2018
We present a new computation of the Lepton Flavor Violating effective vertex involving the Higgs boson and two leptons with different flavors. This vertex is generated from the integration to one-loop level of the heavy right handed neutrinos which are considered here within the context of the Low Scale Seesaw Models and with masses close to the TeV scale. We apply the Mass Insertion Approximation technique to compute the loop contributions from these heavy νR and derive a symple analytical formula for the Hlilj effective vertex in terms of the input Yν Yukawa coupling matrix and right handed MR neutrino masses. Some interesting phenomenological applications of this Hlilj effective vertex are also included.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.314.0114
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