Jet quenching in the hot, dense medium formed in Au+Au collisions leads to the suppression of high pT particles which can be studied with the measurement of the leading hadrons, like π0. They can be used to investigate the mechanism of energy loss of partons in a QGP when varying the collision geometry. Asymmetric Cu+Au collisions provide a system with similar energy density but different collision geometry when compared to Au+Au, with the same number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. Furthermore, at RHIC we can study different highly asymmetric collisions, such as p+Au, d+Au and 3He+Au. The observation of collective behavior in these systems suggests the creation of a medium, but alternate explanations exist. The systematic study of the π0 production could give us deeper understanding of the physics in these very asymmetric systems.\\
We present new measurements of π0 with PHENIX in the asymmetric collisions at midrapidity |η|<0.35 with collision energy √sNN=200 GeV.