In the recent past, several hints of inconsistencies between experimental results and theory predictions in the framework of the Standard Model (SM) have been obtained from measurement of B-meson decays, though no beyond-SM (BSM) effects have been observed yet.
We report here about a few recent searches for BSM effects in B-meson decays performed with the full BaBar data sample, collected at the energy of the Υ(4S) resonance, which corresponds to 471 million BˉB pairs.
Among these measurements of semileptonic decays involving the tau lepton, which evidenced a significant discrepancy with the SM predictions, and of the rare flavour changing neutral current processes B→K(∗)l+l− where l=e,μ,τ. The latter, highly suppressed in the SM, occur at lowest order via 1-loop diagrams, and contributions from virtual particles in the loop allow one to probe large mass scales at relatively low energies. In particular, the decays B→K∗e+e− and B→K∗μ+μ− (both charged and neutral modes) are studied using an angular analysis to extract the quantities AFB and FL, and the quantity P2, which is subject to smaller theoretical uncertainties and is more sensitive to non-SM contributions. We also present a search for the not yet observed B+→K+τ+τ− decay.