Phenomena beyond the standard model (SM) can manifest themself indirectly, by affecting the production and decay of SM particles.
The features of Bd,s→μμ decays are sensitive probes of physics beyond the Standard Model. This talk will review the results on these decays from the data collected by the CMS experiment. The decay B0→K∗μμ is a flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC)process particularly sensitive to new physics, since it is heavily suppressed in the SM. Recent results from LHCb collaboration show a tension with respect SM prediction of more than 3 sigmas, and the Belle Collaboration reported a discrepancy almost as large.
We will present results of an angular analysis done by the CMS experiment at the LHC, using p-p data collected at √s=8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of L=20fb−1. The analysis is focused to measure the angular parameter P′5, as well as P1, as a function of the di-muons invariant mass.