Naturalness and light Higgsinos: why ILC is the right machine for SUSY discovery
S.L. Lehtinen*,
H. Baer,
M. Berggren,
J. List,
K. Fujii,
J. Yan and
T. Tanabe*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
November 07, 2017
Published on:
March 20, 2018
Radiatively-driven natural supersymmetry, a theoretically and experimentally well-motivated framework, centers around the predicted existence of four light, nearly mass-degenerate Higgsinos with mass ∼100−200 GeV (not too far above mZ). The small mass splittings amongst the higgsinos, typically 4-20 GeV, results in very little visible energy arising from decays of the heavier higgsinos. Given that other SUSY particles are considerably heavy, this makes detection challenging at hadron colliders. On the other hand, the clean environment of an electron-positron collider with √s>2mhiggsino would enable a decisive search of these required higgsinos, and thus either the discovery or exclusion of natural SUSY. We present a detailed simulation study of precision measurements of higgsino masses and production cross sections at √s = 500 GeV of the proposed International Linear Collider currently under consideration for construction in Japan. The study is based on a Geant4 simulation of the International Large Detector concept. We examine several benchmark points just beyond the HL-LHC reach, with four light higgsinos directly accessible by the ILC, and the mass differences between the lightest SUSY particle and the heavier states ranging from about 4 to 20 GeV. It can be shown that their masses and production cross sections can be precisely measured to approximately 1\% precision or better. These precise measurements allow for extracting the underlying weak scale SUSY parameters, giving predictions for the masses of heavier SUSY states. These provide motivation for future high-energy colliders. Additionally, dark matter properties may be derived. Evolution of the measured gaugino masses to high energies should allow testing the hypothesis of gaugino mass unification.
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