Search for New Phenomena in Dijet Events with the ATLAS Detector at √s= 13 TeV
A. Picazio*
on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
January 29, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
During the last two years the LHC produced pp collisions at the record center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The sensitivity of searches for new phenomena with a high mass scale greatly benefited from the energy increase with respect to the LHC Run 1 data. Events with two hadronic jets in the final state are of particular interest: new phenomena produced in parton collisions are likely to produce final states with (at least) two partons. In this document several searches performed by the ATLAS Collaboration are presented. The very high mass and the low mass regions have both been investigated, by exploiting dedicated signatures and, in case of the latter, new techniques to overcome trigger limitations. Results and perspectives for these searches are presented.
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