The next generation experiment for argon dark matter searches, DarkSide-20k (DS-20k) at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) Italy, aims at an exposure of 100 t y, with a sensitivity in terms of exclusion limits for spin independent interaction of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) of 3 $\times$ 10$^{-48}$ cm$^2$ at 200 GeV of mass, and is expected to come into operations in 2021. Two crucial technologies are being developed for this experiment, i.e. the extraction and purification of low-radioactivity argon from deep underground and a new generation of silicon photo-multpliers (SiPMs), developed on purpose for this project.
The same worldwide collaboration is also pursuing studies towards a possible future next-to-next generation experiment, aiming at an exposure of 1000 t y, with sensitivity possibly reaching the neutrino floor.