Go to the astroparticle physics school with the Toledo Metro Station Totem-Telescope for cosmic rays
C. Aramo*,
M. Ambrosio,
A. Candela and
P. Mastroserio*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
January 15, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
Among the scientific divulgation activities of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Naples (INFN-NA), the installation of the underground cosmic ray telescope at the Toledo Metro Station in Naples in 2014 had a major impact on territory. The detector, consisting of 10 x-y scintillator planes, read by SiPM, was developed by the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), and installed together INFN-NA researchers and the Physics Department of “Federico II” University of Naples (DIPFIS-UNINA), in collaboration with the Azienda Napoletana Mobilità (ANM). The telescope allows the observation of the muons of the atmospheric cosmic ray showers below 40 meters of depth in the Station through the LEDs light that indicates the trajectory of the particles. At the end of September 2016, as part of the European researchers' night, the telescope was upgraded with a multimedia touch screen Totem that provides telescope’s data acquisition via a serial connection, on line data reconstruction and muon track visualization on its wide screen. Moreover, visitors can select videos on cosmic ray physics, as well as on the activities of INFN and of other project partners. The initiative sees engaged INFN-NA, LNGS, DIPFIS-UNINA, ANM and Rotary International. An important aspect is the real-time analysis of Totem's telescope data, which allows the public to see the tracks of the muons. The accumulated data, transmitted to the Web site of INFN-NA, are accessible to the students for educational purposes. A competition was launched at High Secondary Schools, sponsored by the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (USR), with the aim of engaging teachers and students in astroparticle physics projects. The students have had exposed their own elaborates as posters, computer presentations, artefacts and didactic experiments, during the 4 days of “Futuro Remoto” (May 25-28, 2017). The Totem and its connection to the Toledo telescope open new perspectives for communication and dissemination of scientific culture through the technique of learning by doing: the students realize and show their works done also through the School-Work Alternation (SWA) program.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.314.0549
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